Wednesday, August 13, 2008

SMEs day 3

this morning-

judo with mike
-grip fighting
-double hand break right away
-rotate forearm over, forearm strike

rolling with rene
-overhooks half guard- drive deeper and flatten with underhook
-omoplata escape- stand up instead of rolling out


side mount escapes

1. basic hip escape
2. off of #1- insert hook in, sit up and underhook, snatch wrist and push into stomach, butterfly sweep over to mount
3. off of #1- cross arm grabs over elbow, rotate and lock up kimura. hook comes out and blocks back from rolling. keep arm bent, elbow pressure on shoulder.
4. off of kimura- opponent drives forward. take out hook, pendulum up, lock up the guillotine. hip out and get on side before falling.


rolling notes-

-exposing neck too much
-need to develop guillotine squeezing power
-need to develop good guillotine defense

-need to go back to marcelo pass to half guard
-need to work on triple pass series

-need to work on deep half guard entry, finish

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