Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hand on hip toreando

some details-

-elbow always inside- never let top leg come underneath
-lean forearm on thigh
-pin knee to mat
-stagger sprawl immediately with leg between your legs (or knee line pointing between)
-hand on knee stuffs knees across as you pass

-from standing guard opener
-from sitting butterfly

-dive hand in hip and hand to knee, sprawl legs back
-keep in mind which leg is the half guard leg and trail it behind (lead leg slightly more forward)

vs. resistance-
-switch hand on hip to same side knee (2 on 1 knee momentarily), and then hand reaches for collar
-head in hip or shoulder (hip is better here)

-half guard pull stuff (give leg)
-vs. sitting butterfly entry
-vs. sitting butterfly with resistance (switch to counter)

-hand on hip pressure
-staggered sprawl
-do not give legs- passing becomes much harder
-weight more on hands
-quick entry- fast move- take them by surprise
-don't allow them to have a guard
-one step ahead
-can do with or without grips- can place heel of palm on hip pocket instead of getting the pants grip if you are trying to enter quickly

-counters? seems like the hand on the knee is the one to block and do the roll over reversal?
-follow up if they throw the leg over? leg on shoulder?

drills to practice-
-sitting butterfly entry (both sides)
-sitting butterfly entry vs. resistance (switch to counter)
-hitting the pass immediately off of the guard pull

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