Saturday, November 12, 2011

Davi workshop

from reverse dlr passing:

1. underhook leg. shoulder pressure. downward grip and then twist thumb up. they try to weave leg- catch and redirect to mat. raise hips up slightly and switch legs to leg drag position. push ankle while pulling hip. elbow tight as you finish the pass.

2. same setup as #1, but you push hook in and release the hook. step back in to trap the hook. over/under variation.

dlr passing -

1. sit to calf lock. they try to come up- spin under, release lock and take the back.
2. sit to calf lock. they stay down- reach behind head and leg drag.

kiss of dragon stuff-
1. kiss of dragon to reverse x guard. they stand- kick and standing x guard sweep.
2. they base on knee- switch grip on knee, kick leg out and sweep over to back. base up to leg drag.
3. they sit to hip and hand- sit up, cup hip, stand up and base to leg drag.

toe hold from 50/50 setup-

adjust leg to middle of chest. push lock down and turn out, briefly exposing your back and giving up calf lock. as they sit up you scoot hip back and dive for toe hold. adjust grip. one elbow comes up and the other drops as you rotate over.


opening up the underhook from reverse dlr- pin ankle to butt and then push out.

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