Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hip flip counters, some side control escape fundamentals

hip flip counters-

1. lockdown, get up on elbow, hip bump
2. gi sweep variation- as they drop hip, push elbow/armpit away, underhook leg, shoulder roll over farside shoulder (was getting me every time)
3. butterfly hook variation- use free hand to lift butt, lift leg with butterfly hook, get hip out, switch to opposite leg, take back. twister is available possibly. works even if they have you in a kimura.


side control escape stuff-

-from completely flattened and dominated side control bottom- if they are overcommitting, pendulum legs away and briefly get them off balance to regain hand posture. similarly, if they are scooted back and stalling out, pendulum legs towards them to fix posture and get on side.


brabo entry-
rise up out of side control, they try and pop up on side, you shoot the brabo. they try to go back down flat, you go to n/s guillotine or shoot the no arm brabo (n/s rear naked?)


main holes- side control escapes! leg lock defense.

my game is more effective when the pace is fast. when the game is slow and they can methodically inch past my guard, i have less of an advantage, as my shiftiness is negated. gotta create scrambles and control the pace.

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