Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Arm in guillotine, half guard last ditch effort, anaconda escape

AM class

warmup- 10 mins kettlebells

-side control stall to possible pendulum sit up
-side control escape to guard replace- knee penetrate
-side control escape to guard replace- butterfly lift
-half guard last ditch effort bridge escape
-half guard bridge counter

-half guard bridge escape- as they are about to pass with hip on ground, open triangle and bridge hard while chopping them with a crossface. if they don't go over, try to create space to replace guard. could also maybe bridge and roll to the other side.
-bridge counter- arm across body, hips high to isolate both arms. weight centered on chest.

other techniques-
-guillotine with arm in- requires you to turn to hip on side where you have head trapped
-arm in guillotine escape- pry arm on neck, shoot other arm across back and grab hip, plant knee to block hip and drive down on arm side to take away the angle of pressure. pry wrist and then hand to free head.
-anaconda escape- with trapped arm- grab elbow across, plant leg, shoot free arm across back, and turn and shrug to rip out to russian armbar. similar to the neck tie to russian armbar.

-guard felt a little better today. need body to heal before i am fully back to normal.

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