Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Top game- working it out some more; some counters and re-counters

AM class- techniques

-fake trip to other side over shoulder throw (from knees)
-arm bar from turtle
-spinning arm bar from opponent standing in guard

-trip- get opponent to load on one leg, and then explosively duck under lapel control shoulder to throw
-arm bar from turtle- opponent tucks arm- grab leg and bring towards you to flip them, finish from there
-spinning arm bar- control arm as they rise, foot in hip, climb up and pass shin over face. hips high, knees pinching arm, and heel to the ground on headside foot
-if you miss the arm bar- pendulum sweep!

-gotta learn to pass lockdown halfguard with people who are good at it
-must crossface HARD once i pass side control, and then move halfway between n/s and side control. attack from there.
-don't just hang out from side control- lock that control up once you pass
-starting to put together the flowing top game. gotta switch sides/change base and control arms when they bridge.

-gotta work on escaping turtle when opponent has head and arm control
-remember 101- pin shoulder if you can't get underhook, or pin and then re-pummel
-x-pass off of 101 is great
-work on negative x pass
-de la riva with foot control- either 101 on opposite side or negative x pass

-balance and passing is getting better.
-head/lapel control prevents some x-guard options
-the standup game is getting better. improved standup game= better passing, better sweep defense. gonna be hard to take me off my feet in a few months.

-top game is more assertive and aggressive for me. at least i'm learning how to attack rather than react. gotta get my bottom game more offensively minded. sweeps are coming soon.

some passes and counters

-101 pass- general counter- hip escape away, turtle or replace open guard
-counter to hip escape- scissor pass?

-101 counter#2- same side one leg half guard, knee into space and take opponent in circle

-101 counter#3- close legs, trap foot, push knee through, and go to half guard hopefully

-101 counter #4- control sleeve and put entangled spider guard with instep control on armpit (pe de pano counter)
-counter to that spider- switch base and drive elbow into crease of knee, smash legs and pass on other side

-leg on shoulder counter- hand in hip
-counter to hand in hip- hip switch wrist lock

-counter #2 to hand in hip- knee step over to kill arm
-counter to counter #2- pants control, staple heel to butt and bridge and roll (like knee on stomach reversal)

-counter to leg on shoulder- free leg and shoot triangle
-counter to freeing leg- posture up hard and escape triangle before it's locked, get leg back, step over with shin

-counter #2 to leg on shoulder- roll to turtle
-counter to roll to turtle- grab back of pants to prevent roll, stack them up on neck

-double underhook counter- roll to turtle
-counter to rolling- grab back of pants, forearm across throat for choke

-double underhook counter#2- create space and hook butterfly hooks, control elbows

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