Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2 passes to the back

1. Galvao toreando vs. Sleeve and collar control. You can not remove the hand in collar- sprawl into AG toreando on correct side. Drive forearm against inner thigh and make them give up the back. Switch to tight bottom collar grip. Knee next to head and other knee rides hip. Take back and roll all the way over to open neck.

2. Atos leg drag- shoulders level with their knees on entry. Grab same side ankle and cross ankle pants grip. Cross leg, get elbow and armpit deep on inside of own thigh. Collar grip. Weight centered on hips. Knee comes up near head. Take back like #1.

Berimbolo clarification- from Monday's moves-
-first move is hooks to the back. If they sit on hip, berimbolo.

Hooks to back detail- dlr sleeve cross and then belt grab. Inward knee pressure to turn knee/push knee with opposite leg/modified x instead of crazy deep dlr bridges?

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