Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bruno spider essentials

am class- no gi

1. over/under pass
2. double under to leg drag over neck

1. kimura
2. darce
3. n/s guillotine


-always maintain distance
-never let them put your legs on the floor or in between half guard. never let them underhook legs.
-over/underwith spider- never both over or both under.


1. collar grip- leg plant to hip out, switch grip and foot in bicep
2. collar/sleeve with foot in hip and other foot in bicep- opponent underhooks leg- hip out slightly, weave foot, and put foot in bicep or shoulder. square up and strip grip. start attacking.
3. you can't break grip on pants- lasso leg around, grab elbow and attack omoplata.

other drills-
1. knee passes to leg weave.
2. collar grip with opponent standing (can't break grips)
3. collar/sleeve with all passes and grip breaks.

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