Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Next Stage- Side Mount Escapes

today's techniques-

-o goshi from opponent double underhook control
-escape from headlock #1- hook leg and palm to floor
-escape from headlock #2- frame and push head, walk legs out, hook legs over face


-need to work on side mount escapes exclusively for the next few weeks. must have discipline to do situational rolling rather than regular rolling.

-must recall all major side mount escapes.

opponent's posture-
escapes from positions 1, 2, 3, and 4.
escapes from kesa gatame
escapes from reverse kesa gatame
escapes from headlock
escapes from north/south
escapes from knee on stomach

your posture (from standard side control)-

frame elbow/forearm in opponent's neck-
1. bridge/hip escape to guard replace

shallow underhook with elbow, forearm across throat
1. bridge/hip escape to guard replace
2. bridge/hip escape to come to knees

deep underhook
1. bridge/hip escape to come to knees

double deep underhooks
1. bridge opponent over head

opponent underhooking you (about to get armlocked position!)
1. bridge, club top of head and chop legs
2. escape #1 fails, roll in circle the other way
3. bridge, club head, hip out, push head to ground

nearside arm underneath opponent's body
1. push off and spin underneath

need to focus on this.

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