Monday, June 30, 2008

Dan Gable: Standing Position (Wrestling Essentials Series)

vid notes-

-leg attacks
-go behinds
-push/pull- snaps
-various finishes from all moves
-key move list (see bottom)

overall- lots of good ideas, but my wrestling skills aren't good enough to incorporate all the variations. gotta work on the fundamentals.


wrestling on feet

good stance and setups, form are important

wrestler must also be prepared to fend off and score off of attacks



stance, position, movement, faking

key to all offensive/defensive skills is stance
hips under, legs under them
hands down
heads fairly up
using own position to feel comfortable

european stance- more bent over at head, staggered more, hips bent over more (think cobrinha)

greco roman stance- more upright- using hips (can't attack lower body in greco)

stance in motion drill
circling, stalking, backing up, body faking
combine with knock out (sprawl on one side)
hip heist (sit through)

good stance with fake and motion opens up numerous opportunities while limiting opponent's scoring attempts

good pummeler makes scoring look easy

speed, power, and motion

hand fighting

sumo drill-move opponent out of circle or snap them to mat

ties and snaps

good tie can create snapping and go-behind opportunities
collar inside tie- strong push/pull
underhook/wrist- pushes in, reaches in, snaps, go behind
sort penetration with tie arm is important
front headlock tie-push in, snap, go behind
tight elbow important

2 on 1 tie
push in, snap, go behind
keep good angle to keep opponent off legs

double inside tie
push, snap, go-behind
most commonly used

use when opponent is pushing in hard
if they aren't pushing in, you push first, then pull and snap down

go behind circle drill
biggest mistake on go behind- only a little weight on near arm ad they can turn



common mistake in shooting- miss shot, reach up (can get whipped over)
correct way- keep arm down, circle out

sprawling and clearing hands
incorporate go-behind drill

sprawl far enough before you go-behind
common error- clear hand before go-behind
hit angle off opponent's shot- don't stop and tie up and then go-around for most part
push in and elongate opponent- snap down

counter to front headlock- 2 on 1 (especially on feet)
also can do quick duck before they get tight
commiting hips to back arch is important to duck under
once front headlock is tight- grab elbow and bend knees to release pressure

need to learn to clear front headlocks from knees
drive into them, slide head out
short drag action is used here
duck from knees also
don't let opponent solidify tie up position

body lock duck drill

double leg attacks
requires penetration and driving
cutting corners
driving leg tackle

1. body faking - get opponent to react
2. elbow post- clears opponent's arms
3. collar and inside tie snap- clear opponent's head out of position
4. underhook and elbow post- opens up legs

-head to one side, leg on other
-lift opponent into air, circle down- get swing in action
-twist to butt with shoulder in, cover hips
-slide by when opponent sprawls

double jolt drill- when opponent reaches for shoulders- come in and jolt every time
gives opportunity to know we are penetrating

use landing pad for safety

single leg attacks

high single finishes-
-head drive finish
-far knee barzigar finish
-low ankle lift finish
-far knee behind finish
-lift finish

in-out drill
back and forth

knee positions determine where you take opponent

corner cutting drills
pick ankle up as you come around

can also be done from feet

sweep single finishes
-far knee finish- pivot all the way behind
-lift and finish- lift opponent's leg off head
-head drive finish- get caught, come across and leg drive
-limp arm- out of whizzer

lift drill

head to outside shot
finish- cutting corner

lift finish

low single attacks (john smith)
cut across finish
low single lift
catching heel is a must

go-behind drill when they go low single
hand peel

near arm-far leg - from inside control

also sweep single
fake at knee, head snap


backstep drill-seionage
opponent must push into partner

hip toss- o goshi

headlock hip toss

more key moves

deep penetration and back arch- duck under

duck under
arm drag- swivel at hips
fireman's carry
ankle pick

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