Monday, October 8, 2007

101 Pass

101 pass-

posture- inside pistol knee grip

walk them out to extreme angle- leg out of reach of arms


de la riva- must push down far hook, turn out knee to clear close hook, step leg out

they post on your shoulder- clear with your own shoulder

arm drag across- weave other arm- get back of tricep over face

they turn into you- crossface them crazy

they hip out and free the leg- restart from beginning or move to underpasses


drive knee forward, always put pressure to tire them out

use knee and elbow to pry open legs

use elbow to get calf on forearm (single leg on shoulder pass option available)

switch grip to collar, drive down with mostly elbow

clear top leg by bringing elbow and knee together

slide through at angle, but remain hip to hip (don't slide out too far)

-this pass opens up other options depending on their reactions
-be mobile and flexible
-doesn't have to be fast and explosive, can gain ground slowly
-be patient with passes, you won't pass automatically unless you are significantly better than them
-elbow and knee together

option- go for underhook rather than collar (but collar is easier to grab). seems to be less pressure. maybe used for no gi? need to control other arm as you pass, though.

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