Monday, October 29, 2007

Need to work on base and balance from top game

AM class


-free takedown drill
-loop choke/roll variation
-side control jacare lapel choke
-side control same side arm lock


-lapel choke- elevate elbow at end to finish better
-lapel choke- main obstacle- arm blocking your hip- you can pick it up or just smash it down


-the log splitter guard pass if becoming my favorite against larger opponents
-once i almost pass the guard, i am susceptible to being double legged from turtle by stronger opponents
-side control- right away in the transition- must flatten them by controlling underhook, crossface, nearside arm, legs, etc
-must find way to stand in guard if i can't control arms. is it even possible to do it safely?

-movement is good from top, but balance and base need to be worked out
-defense to arm drag butterfly sweep- post out leg HIGH on side they are trying to sweep towards, push head away to create space and re-pummel for underhook
-jacare style passes are good! i'm starting to mess around with them.
-the saulo x-passes are good, but need to be practiced a lot.
-it's hard to pass a black belt's guard. lol.
-a really good double underhook pass is hard to defend. need to defend before they get it sunk in.
-need to keep nearside elbow to the ground at all costs when in side control. otherwise a whole lot of escapes go out the window.
-kesa gatame escape- push head towards legs and try and hook head
-other kesa gatame escape- depends on if they have underhook or not, but you can hook the leg and duck under to take the back
-double leg from turtle- tripod up and keep head low. more leverage and easier to do.
-darce to brabo choke is good.

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