Monday, July 9, 2012

Guard recovery

-butterfly guard -half guard -leg lace with collar- break grip, hook at hip, spin under. Closed guard option. -folding pass- collar frame to big hip escape. Enterrada. -combine leg lace and folding pass escapes. -undertook- elbow open, come up on elbow, and big hip escape. -double unders- choose side and force legs to side. Frame elbow and open up with big hip escape.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

omoplata options

a) frazzatto guard option b) lasso kick through c) collar sleeve/kick out option d) collar sleeve/knee collapse option e) double sleeve grip - knee through the triangle to kick through f) rolling lasso to sweep option g) reverse dlr to leg across to opposite side omoplata h) double sleeve/shin hook/spider option i) closed guard to shins inside

mount stuff

overhook/high knee. start with ezekiel grip on overhook side. a) triangle b) step up to monoplata/pull elbow up to opposite side armlock c) rolling omoplata d) monoplata option

dlr drills

1. deep overhook/collar grip to hips on mat. a) berimbolo to leg drag b) berimbolo to back c) deep dlr to kick over/leg drag 2. double collar grip/under leg d) they underhook leg - kick under to sing leg x. kick leg out. they step back. cuff grip. 1. foot lock 2. #1 to sweep *hook/knee pressure ---- option - collar/sleeve - foot plant to kick over.


1. deep overhook/collar or belt grip. also sleeve option. plant foot and circle to back. extend hook. jump hips between legs, suck legs in, and kick hooks out. 2. #1 spin to waiter. a) far sweep b) roll back c) knees in to foot grab sweep d) lift leg to x hook. spin out to back.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

camp stuff

guard stuff-

toreando pass to double shin guard recovery
a) omoplata option

dlr to reverse dlr back to dlr drill

dlr to reverse dlr to opposite side dlr
a) omoplata option during reverse dlr transition
b) scissor variation during reverse dlr transition



double pant cuff grip to punch/shoulder drive toreando
a) leandro lo option?

double unders to leg drag
a) near side collar and arm control/flatten/smash
b) walk around head to opposite side leg drag

new dlr game/ reverse x

foot lock with opposite pants grip sweep series


double guard to leg drag series

Thursday, April 5, 2012

lasso stuff

lasso spider spin under

1. omoplata
2. between legs- pendulum sweep to top
3. between legs- they put hip on mat- leg drag to top
4. between legs- they base- kiss of dragon back take

day 2

1. they stand up- inverted dlr sweep
a) foot lock/knee bar/toe hold/etc
b) come up for the sweep
c) arm lock option
d) 50/50 option
e) back take option

cross grip

1. omoplata
2. inverted dlr sweep
a) leg attacks
b) sweep to leg drag


spin under all the way and switch to reverse x


dlr with tail

near side tail dlr grip (no underhook with arm. collar feed under knee). cross collar grip.

hand off tail to other hand. force hip to mat. switch hook to outside.

many options.

a) back take (they try to get up and flee)
b) kick leg through and go reverse x (they try to leg fight you or keep hip on mat)
c) they come up- suck in knees and break balance with grips. reverse x sweep to leg drag.
d) bruno leg drag stand up if they just lay there.