Monday, April 6, 2009

leo vieira passes

from seminar dvd-

1. toriani.
2. toriani variation- they sit up, you switch to hand in collar and drive back to mat, pick up leg and pass. very similar to galvao toriani
3. knee slide- hand in collar, drive shoulder to mat, use elbow underhook, pick up sleeve. pass slow, grind them down. window to escape if you rush this pass.
4. double unders- tight elbows, grab lapel low near waist, pick up opponent by back of pants


toriani leg smash- you grab legs and put back on ground, they sit up. as they sit up, redirect legs to side and drive knee through, smashing knees together. also possible to enter from leg on shoulder- redirect leg a la galvao's x-guard pass

cross leg something or other pass- control ankle, swing inside, trap leg across body with gable grip on hip. rotate and pass. combo with first pass.

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