Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Passing Half Guard


warm ups

knee on stomach switches
spinning arm locks

double leg takedown setup
arm drag
sit out from double overhook sprawl on knees

half guard passing
-shoulder in face, walk foot up, drive knee to ground, peel off thigh with free leg
-from first one, they pinch knees together- tripod up, switch their knees to other side, knee slide
-from first one, get double underhooks, knee slide across (can be done either side)



-fast, aggressive pace seemed to suit me today
-still must control and have shut down game when needed
-open guard feels good
-passing feels good

stringing together combos
beating them in the transition
linking subs to sweeps
linking subs to passes
linking subs to subs

gotta find ways to train despite my schedule changing

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