Tuesday, January 29, 2008


today's focus was toriani passes and counters. very useful stuff, and i'll have to revisit it soon enough.


-toriani pass to kos
-toriani pass counter- sit up, hand in collar (stiffarm punch), break grip (better w/whole arm), sit out and yank collar down (slamming face into mat!) to take back
-toriani counter to ankle pick
-ricardo kick over pass- from toriani control- trap one leg and underhook opposite leg. keep pants grip on knee for trapped leg. grab belt line or belt on underhooked leg w/ head down tight. kick over and replace knee to hip, and finish securing the guard.


-felt pretty invincible tonght- very quick and accurate with things. my balance is improving, my submissions are better, and my butterfly guard/open guard is getting better.
-looks like the bf guard/open guard is going to be my focus for the next few weeks. must sweep and then work off of the knee slide pass series. it's going to be fun.

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