Monday, March 17, 2008

Some arm drag stuff, general standing issues

early class-

-guard opener
-toriani pass

-worked a lot of spider and x-guard. got my passing pressure back to some extent.

later class-

-arm drag to double leg
-arm drag to single leg
-arm bar from side control #1
-arm bar from side control #2

rolling- worked a lot on my defense and sweeps. felt that i did pretty well. worked some stand up after class. actually, this is the best i've felt in weeks.

-knee slide- better with the crunch
-reminder- scissor pass- drive shoulder and shut down hip movement

-worked on side control posture/escapes for a bit

-reminder- x-guard and opponent takes knee next to head- either grab ankle and sweep or go paragon half guard

-standup- always have one hand up/one hand down to defend the shot

-reminder- 2 on 1 for setups

-gotta practice standing!

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