Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Terrible, No Good, Very Bad, Horrible Day!

today was the strangest session i've ever had.

1. i was rolling with someone and got hit in the nose during a guard choke attempt. bloody nose. sat out for a bit.

2. i stop the bloody nose and do a warm up roll with someone else. as i pass, i base on my right foot and feel an awkward pressure come through my ankle. i can't base on that foot for the rest of the night. i keep rolling.

3. i roll with a third person and am playing half butterfly/x-guard. he sprawls and tries to pass, and i feel my knee joint get pressured in the wrong way. i immediately feel injured, but i keep rolling.

4. at the end of the night, someone accidentally stole my shoes. i drive home barefoot.

5. at the gas station my cards don't work in the machine, so i had to go pay the attendant inside. luckily i found some shoes in my trunk to slip on, otherwise i would have walked barefoot from the pump to the register.

i was going to go get dinner after this, but i figure i should just go home before something else happened to me today. not gonna push my lock! lol.


aside from these compound strange occurances-

-x-guard setups going well. my training partners are aware of what i'm doing now, but i'm able to combo stuff together and work more setups and see reactions.

-sit out brabo worked well today vs. the underhook/turtle recovery. gotta practice some more.

-sit out brabo to triangle choke would have worked well in a few situations.

-overhook to arm-in guillotine seems to be a good setup (see rani yahya's adcc 2007 tear)

-scissor pass and variations are getting better. gotta work on it some more.

-on scissor passing- need to get deeper and switch to crossface control. they were able to sit up and push my elbow away often, leading to escapes. penetrate far knee to hip as soon as you clear legs, control elbow and flatten opponent (switch other hand to point away from you as well), and then switch to crossface.

-escapes from the bottom worked decently. can't do them right away on everyone, but i can eventually find a way to recover half guard at least.

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