Monday, April 28, 2008

Toriani variations

revisiting because of knee on stomach focus-

-standard toriani to knee on stomach

-toriani to reverse knee on stomach (especially if they continue to hip away and try to replace guard)

-push in legs, opponent pushes back, use momentum to pull out legs and toriani

-plant feet on ground, full body weight driven to opponent's feet- walk around

-driving knee on shin of side you want to pass, opponent pushes back, straighten leg and pass to knee on stomach


-over/under variation

-hip switch toriani to reverse kesa gatame(like reverse knee on stomach kind of)

-switch to inside control- driving knees and elbow together



-combination of speed/pressure/angles/mobility/surprise
-feed off opponent's reactions
-transition between the various passes
-elbows tight to body until you're ready to go
-maintain both pants grips at inside knee
-step across first- you can pause here. must break plane of hip with foot.
-keep control of legs until fully passed


defense keys-

-free at least one leg (or don't let them control in the first place)
-sit up, get off back
-get feet in contact with opponent's body- pushing hips, hooking behind knees, hooking ankles, etc. or spider guard variations. active limbs.
-knees and elbows together- "no one comes in my zone or my home"

common reactions-

-pull elbows to break grip
-2 on 1 to break grip
-grip break to arm drag
-grip break to tripod

-de la riva
-butterfly guard

-hip escape
-wrestler's switch


gotta dissect this further!

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