Friday, June 6, 2008

Butterfly pass series

am class

(i taught)


-bf pass #1- hand on belt line, elbow parallel to femur, kick leg out and collapse hook, transfer to 2 on 1 on other shin, step over and pinch leg, switch hips and complete the pass

-bf pass #2- grab foot underneath hook, club over head, bring head to knees, switch hips and pass- use wrestler's cradle, guillotine, etc. if desired

-bf pass #3- switch head to opposite passing side, drive shoulder to ground and shoulder roll over.

-bf pass #4- rise up, club legs together, rotate torso over and collapse legs. replace hand in bend of knees, come around and complete the pass.

open guard drill

-good passing generally
-good use of speed

need to work on-
-pressure when passing
-comboing passes together
-on bottom- finishing x-guard- stand right away
-bf posture- underhooks, driving forward, etc.

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