Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sitting Deep Half Guard entries

pm class


-deep half guard rolling pin sweep from 2 on 1 standing
-deep half guard entry sweep from sitting- cross arm control hand off to deep half guard arm, spin underneath and hook leg, sweeping to top
-deep half guard entry sweep from sitting- hand lapel or belt undereath to other arm, spin around back and grab belt, going underneath for the sweep

-de la riva counter- kick foot out.
-toriani review- push legs into opponent, they push back and you redirect. either push in close or plant on ground- don't play midgame.
-de la riva counter- negative x-pass

-arm bar from side control with belt/lapel trap instead of kimura grip


overall- started off rolling light with an injured partner, which sort of carried on to the subsequent rolls. aggression was down. also, trying new things and putting myself in vulnerable positions for the sake of learning

-pulling deep half guard from many places- learning entries and getting more comfortable
-wrapping up kimuras from guard. just gotta learn to free the arm and finish it.
-z-guard. they aren't passing unless i let them. easy to replace guard when they back up. 2 on 1 from z-guard is excellent.

to work on-
-aggressiveness on bottom of half guard- need to constantly destroy opponent's base. if they settle, they can start to pass or attack.
-north south- staying tight. somewhat susceptible to strange n/s guard tricks if they have long legs.
-kimura finish. gotta figure out sweeping options and finishing options from closed guard.

thoughts- deep half guard is susceptible to gi chokes- collar, ezekiel, etc. might be a better no gi option?

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