Monday, October 15, 2007

101 elbow/knee and underhook

i figured out a big part of my 101 pass problem.

i wasn't joining my elbow and knee when i slid through, which allowed some recovery options.

knee drive to spot right next to their hip, ideally. must keep them on back with either strong elbow/forearm pressure on far shoulder or (ideally) the underhook.

the underhoook will give me a lot more control if i can secure it. and pulling the arm up- anything to get them flat on their back.

the driving knee is really where it starts, though.

gotta control the knees and control the far leg with shallow underhook with my elbow. must pinch elbow to prevent the spider hook. must use forearm and knee as wedge to prevent them from closing half guard.

other transition point- when i have my knee driving on their chest. maybe that aurelio detail with pointing out the knee and keeping my hip on my heel would up my percentage in that instance.

one thing that was apparent- there's a certain range where you're out of danger from sweeps. must walk them out to the side and then begin penetrating knee. if you just hit them square on, they have more hip mobility when you are closer to them- lots of sweep options. i think a lot of this mobility is taken away if you are off to one side. must penetrate knee and get hips past the plane of their hip line, ideally.

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