Friday, October 12, 2007

Saulo's Cross Body game- keeping the hips connected

from the dvd-

most important aspect of his philosophy-
keep your hips connected to his hips always
easiest way to control without spending a lot of energy

follow them wherever they go

if you miss the connecting of the hips, you create space

crossface/underhook creates a lot of space

use elbow to control opposite hip

learning to switch to other side is important- switching hips- kesa gatame, n/s, etc.

have to wait for momentum to get to position, can't always fight through opponent- take what they give
lay and prey

knee on belly-
continuous position from cross body
sit on side of hip and slide up- stay connected to hip line- don't let them connect elbow to knee
fake collar choke to set up- ties hands up

his knee on stomach is a lot more loose, not using hands to pressure- using to attack
must develop balance and fluidity

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